What Is A Deal?
A deal is a special off on a product or range of products that wouldn’t normally exist. For the purposes of submitting deals, we’re talking about things you’d buy and wait excitedly for someone to comment on so you could brag about the bargain you just got. 5% off rugs often sold by a guy shouting on the TV at 50% off due to some overstocking issues? Not quite the worthwhile deal we’re thinking of. 5% off a brand new iPhone though? That’s a deal.
Deals can be Price Drops, Vouchers or Sales Events. Anything you think is worth telling the rest of the nest about is what we want to see!
Price Drops Explained
A Price Drop is a lower than usual price for a specific product for either a limited time or a limited quantity. The Little Birdie tech eagles are always out there looking for eye-catching price drops and updating the product listings automatically, though some of the best ever Price Drops have come from the superstar Top Spotters within the community. If a Price Drop is to your liking, you just need to click on the “Take Me There” button, and you’ll be linked through to the appropriate store where you can take advantage of the great deal!
Sales Event Guidelines
A Sales Event is exactly that. Sales so good they are an event. Think Boxing Day scenes on the 6pm news of shoppers bursting through the doors and trampling one another to get 40% off everything. That’s the kind of thing we want to see in the Sales Event. 5% off rugs often sold by a guy shouting on the TV at 50% off due to some overstocking issues? Not quite the worthwhile event we’re thinking of. But 5% off all Apple Products? That’s worth telling the nest of Little Birdies about!
Keep in mind that a standard clearance section or one product in 5 colours wouldn’t be a Sales Event but may work well in a Price Drop.
If a Sales Event requires a Voucher, it is best placed in Vouchers!
Flying The Voucher Flag
Much like a Sales Event, Vouchers are found through a combination of our Little Birdie Eagle-Eyed staff & Top Spotters. We review each “live” voucher every 2 days to make sure it is still valid, though if you happen to find one that doesn’t seem to no longer fly, let us know so we can review it and remove it if required!
As with all areas of the site, accuracy is key so caw out if something is amiss! Whether you found a code through an email, told by a friend of a friend or found it in the Trading Post; if it’s worth redeeming, it’s worth sharing with the team.
To add a new Voucher, simply click on Post in the top right corner, and if you find one that doesn’t work, just click on “Report Deal” so our Moderation Team can swoop in to clean it up.
Sales Calendar
Once you sign up as a Little Member, you’ll have access to a personalised calendar that features active sales and any upcoming sales, so that you’re always informed of the best deals on the internet - the best part is that this is specifically tailored to you! So, the more you like, comment, follow and engage, the more this calendar will show you exactly what you like. How good is that?!
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